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Attendance Policies and School Rules
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Regular school attendance plays an important role in your child’s school success. A note or phone call to the office from the parent or legal guardian is required for each absence, whether due to illness or non-illness. A child who is absent with a communicable disease will need to be readmitted to school by a private doctor or the Health Department. Surgery, casts, stitches, orthopedic appliances and hospitalization require written clearance from a doctor.
The Newcastle Elementary School District's Attendance Policy (Board Policy 5113 ) and State law (Education Code 48200, 48450 and 48260a) requires parents/guardians to send students aged 6 to 18 years to school regularly and on time, and to provide an explanation satisfactory to school personnel for all absences.
Parents/Guardians who fail to meet these obligations may be subject to referral to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) and subject to prosecution (Education Code 48454 and Penal Code 272).
Both California and school district policies state that absences for the following reasons can be excused:  Student illness, student medical appointment, student attending a funeral for a close family member or court appearance. Absences for family vacation cannot be excused and will be recorded as "truant." Teachers are not required to provide make-up work or allow students to take tests missed due to unexcused/truant absences. 
All absences must be reported within three (3) days. For questions regarding this process, please feel free to contact the school office. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Student absences not verified by a note with parent's signature or phone call to the office will be recorded as a truancy. Notes for absences need to contain the child’s full name, the date(s) of the absence, the reason for the absence and be signed by a parent or legal guardian, with the relationship to the child indicated.
Dear Mrs. Smith,
Johnny Jones was absent on 9/20 & 9/21/07 with the flu.
Sarah Jones, Johnny's mother
All students who arrive to the classroom after the 8 a.m. bell must be issued a “Tardy Slip.” State law and district policies require that school sites keep accurate attendance records. Please discuss with your child the importance of being at school on time each day.

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Independent Study
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If you have advance notice of an unavoidable absence, please request an Independent Study Contract in the office. We require that you provide a minimum of 3 days notice prior to the absence. Independent Study contracts can be for 3 or more days, but are limited to up to 14 total days total in the school year. In extreme circumstances, we will work with families as needed to extend IS. While we provide alternative work, additional assignments or tests may be required upon a student’s return. Completed work and contract are due the day a student returns to school. Students who do not complete the IS contract will lose the right to request them in the future.